Saint Brendan Church
60 Turner Avenue
Riverside, RI 02915-3200
Parish Phone Number: (401) 433-2600
Parish Fax Number: Please call us for our fax number.
Parish Email Address:
Faith Formation Office: (508) 233-3312
Faith Formation Email Address:
Office Business Hours: 9am-1pm, Monday - Thursday
Good Neighbors Soups Kitchen and Food Pantry at St. Brendan's Church
55 Turner Avenue (School Building - use Dorr Avenue Entrtance)
Riverside, RI 02915-3235
Food Pantry is open on Wednesday during operating hours.
Good Neighbors Direct Line: (401) 433-0045
Welcome to St. Brendan's Parish. We are so glad you have chosen to be part of our parish family! If you have not done so already, please introduce yourself to Father Scott after Mass.
Under "Documents" in the margin of this page, you will find a Parish Registration form and a Stewardship Survey. Please return both to the parish at your convenience - mail them in or drop them in the Sunday collection basket.
Again, Welcome!
Parish Finance Council:
Rev. Scott J. Carpentier, Corporation Treasurer
Mr. Robert Wedekind (Parish Trustee)
Mr. Joseph Carter (Parish Trustee)
Mr. Joseph Cavaco
Mr. Adam Dias
Mrs. Jennifer Cavaco
Mr. David Rose
Ms. Marylin Walsh (Parish Auditor)
Mr. John Keevan (Parish Auditor)